Compensation system modeled on nature
Belonging and participation for all
Gratitude and humanity are the basic values for the Gradido compensation system, which was developed over 20 years of research by the Gradido Academy for Economic Bionics in harmony with the laws of life. The goal: the promotion of prosperity, peace and freedom for all in harmony with nature!
Scalable: from common good points...
Gradido currently serves as a community thank-you point system. The 'Gradidos' are created through voluntary work. Companies offer generous discounts and other benefits for Gradido. This demonstrates their social responsibility and increases customer loyalty. In neighborhood assistance, Gradido promotes the cohesion of people who support each other and 'thank' each other with Gradido.
...up to the decentralized currency
Poverty can be alleviated and prosperity promoted with the Common Good points alone. Important services and projects that would otherwise fail due to a lack of money can be realized with the help of Gradido. Gradido develops its full potential as an alternative or supplement to the current monetary system.
Research project based on the model of nature
In more than 20 years, the Business Biologist the Gradido Academy the economy of nature researched. Nature has been functioning successfully for four and a half billion years. The 'Natural Economy of Life' can presumably solve all the world's money-related problems. The Gradido model follows the natural law of growth and decay: the eternal cycle of life.
Self-regulating system ensures stable total volume
Gradidos are created on the basis of population growth. There is no limitless increase in credit and debt with Gradido. In contrast to the current monetary system, gradidos are created on the basis of credit balances without incurring debts. Instead, 50 percent of the credits expire within each year. This planned cycle of creation and decay keeps the total amount stable and the system in balance.
Serious problems
of the current financial system
The business bionics team has three major causes be able to identify poverty, exploitation, hunger, wars, refugee movements, diseases, environmental degradation and related natural disasters.
Money creation through debt: Over 95 % of the world's money is created by debt. Consequently, each credit on one side results in the same amount of debt on the other.
Through interest and compound interest, the gap between assets and debts, wealth and poverty, is widening.
The disregard of the cycle of becoming and passing leads to the fact that this law of nature breaks its way arbitrarily. Fatal forms of unplanned "transience" are financial crises, inflation, wars, environmental destruction and other catastrophes.
Unconditional participation
In the fully developed Gradido model, Gradido is scooped according to a three-pillar principle: a total of 3,000 Gradido (GDD) is then scooped every month for every person in the world. One third goes to each person as Active basic incomeThe second third goes to the public budget for the provision of general infrastructure, and the third part goes to a compensation and environmental fund to enable the remediation of economic and ecological legacy issues.
The 'Threefold Good'
protects people and nature
The basic ethical principle of Gradido is based on harmonizing the well-being of the individual with that of the community and the greater whole - in the sense of nature and the environment. The individual is part of the community (e.g. city, country, nation, humanity) and at the same time part of the 'big picture', the ecosystem. If one of these three aspects is neglected, the entire system begins to falter.
You can learn about all facets of our Gradido model in our book or audio book. You can download both download here free of charge.
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the peaceful transformation for a better world:
How nature is revolutionizing our economic system
Bernd von Gradido is a guest of Simon Rilling. The exciting conversation is about:💡 The 3 fatal flaws in the current financial system that are bound to cause poverty, wars and environmental destruction.💡 The 3 important laws of nature that economics ignores and therefore repeatedly causes collapses (e.g. wars).💡 The solution that logically follows from this, for global prosperity and peace in harmony with nature.
"Future Now Camp 3: Conscious Money - Healthy World" - Gradido in Focus
In the latest episode of the Gradido Podcast, learn all about the upcoming "Future Now Camp 3" under the motto "Conscious Money - Healthy World", where Gradido will be lived in real time. Guests Teresa Karayel and Dr. Markus Gollmann show how Gradido can be successfully integrated at an event and provide valuable tips for implementation. This episode thus offers an exciting insight into the application of Gradido for a better future.
From separation to connection
Karolin Schönemann and Eugen Litwinenko on 'Honest Sharing'. The concept of trauma resolution is another valuable piece of the puzzle of our common good future - for ourselves, our children and all the children of the world.