Future for the Corona Generation

Guest: Josef Kraus

Corona measures not only deprive young people of the opportunity to party with their peers or travel the world. They also endanger millions of livelihoods and future models. Due to the cancellation of many apprenticeships, school graduates lack the perspective for the future.

The Gradido model can give the 'Generation Corona' again the future that young people wish for. The 'Active Basic Income' ensures the 'Unconditional Participation' in the life of society. In concrete terms, this means that everyone can contribute with their inclinations and abilities where it suits them best, and in this way develop their full potential. This is also in the best interest of our society.

We welcome Josef Kraus, bestselling author and honorary president of the German Teachers' Association for 30 years, as our guest. He is currently writing his latest book entitled "Der deutsche Untertan - vom Denken entwöhnt" (The German subject - weaned on thinking), which we will of course also talk about. Josef Kraus is called the "titan of education policy" with good reason.


Schetinin School

Book: The German Subject: On the Loss of One's Own Thinking

Transcript ( automatically translated )

[00:00:00] I'm trying to work out from the last 500 years,
[00:00:08] one trait of the German national character,
[00:00:12] which is the obedience to authority.
[00:00:18] The Corona measures not only deprive young people of the opportunity to party with their peers or travel the world. They also put millions of livelihoods and future models at risk.
[00:00:32] Due to the cancellation of many apprenticeships, school graduates lack perspective for the future.
[00:00:40] The elimination of countless part-time jobs at all students of their financial foundations the cancellation or suspension of internships.
[00:00:50] Working student jobs and voluntary social assignments abroad also massively restrict the possibility of trying out and orienting oneself before choosing a career.
[00:01:05] We welcome Josef Kraus as our guest.
[00:01:08] Bestselling author and for 30 years honorary president of the German Teachers' Association.
[00:01:16] He is currently writing his latest book titled the German subject weaned from thinking.
[00:01:27] And we're going to talk about that book today, of course.
[00:01:34] Josef Kraus is called the titan of education policy with good reason welcome to the Gradido Podcast Josef Kraus.
[00:01:44] Hello good afternoon also.
[00:01:45] Yes also from my side a very warm welcome dear Mr. Kraus from the Gradido academy who does not know them the sayings.
[00:01:59] We learn not only for school but for life.
[00:02:05] Children are our future or what a little boy doesn't learn, a little boy never learns.
[00:02:13] But the educational standards in Germany are sinking year by year.
[00:02:19] Students often simply lack the basic skills such as writing, reading and calculating, and that long before Corona.
[00:02:28] Josef what about our education nation what mistakes have been made,
[00:02:37] oh you can write a lot of books on that sometimes it's hard to even get through the term education nation in your mouth,
[00:02:51] I did write iron with this target education station three years ago a book called how to drive an education nation to the wall.
[00:02:59] Maybe I should not have chosen this note already because I have you then in the meantime the impression that you some German minister of education this accounting or this book if one uses a filling station to the wall value from instruction manual also,
[00:03:13] yes I'm already seriously worried because we once at the.
[00:03:20] Wobbly inbe terms education nation because we are lying to ourselves about education and quality of education.
[00:03:28] The quantity and quality of education is now completely reciprocal.
[00:03:35] We get more and more students we get more and more high school graduates.
[00:03:41] We're getting more and more so-called academics the grades are getting better and better in schools and colleges.
[00:03:49] But at the same time and that's what I mean by reciprocal it only goes at the price of lowering standards.
[00:03:58] And just two pieces of evidence of that.
[00:04:01] Giving many many to name more and more colleges are going to set up lift courses for freshmen,
[00:04:09] because the freshmen don't have the language skills or the math and science skills that they need to lead their studies and more and more companies are saying that they don't have the rudimentary skills,
[00:04:23] in basic cultural techniques,
[00:04:26] So that's why I'm skeptical about the concept of education stations.
[00:04:35] Dear Michael you have not only so rightly addressed the training places that we see the internships and so on.
[00:04:42] According to my calculation if this continues with a soft or with a hard lockdown, next year in the late spring when it gets better again with or without vaccination, our students will... [00:04:56] 400 students will have to be trained,
[00:04:56] 400,500,600 hours of instruction short that's half and three quarters of the school year.
[00:05:03] And one will react in the policy to it the poor children should have no disadvantages that one drives the claims even further down that the degrees are awarded even more discount manner.
[00:05:18] What education policy do we need, for example, need an education policy that finally throws the ideology of egalitarianism over God.
[00:05:27] People are simply differently interested but also differently talented.
[00:05:33] The human being doesn't start with the high school diploma, we have to get away from that.
[00:05:38] We finally need an upgrading politically and also ideally and mentally of the upgrading of vocational education.
[00:05:48] Somewhat exaggerate its pseudo academization with a here her I say a bit polemically with a here at discussion scientists.
[00:05:58] And at the same time a gigantic lack at skilled workers of the wär just could not close,
[00:06:05] this gap with immigration because we have the other immigration from Australia or New Zealand or Canada or the USA so the principle of equalization,
[00:06:16] muschweck the human being doesn't start at high school graduation we also have to bring the achievement principle back into a renaissance,
[00:06:25] Achievement has been discontinued in German pedagogy in recent decades 68 discredit fascistoid and so on more I could now tell many examples of what I there.
[00:06:38] I have experienced fierce attacks who demands school achievements must say after Auschwitz what he means by that,
[00:06:45] so a very bad demagogic trivialization of what actually happened in 33045 we need the achievement principle again,
[00:06:55] we need an education of elites.
[00:06:59] We need to get away from this show of putting the term elite in the mouth in the Anglo-American world they say educated elites bring an equality sheplers.
[00:07:12] An added value through inequality,
[00:07:16] no we do with equality a level reduction that's called equity.
[00:07:24] We know from good old Brittig August von Hayek the promise of total earthly justice,
[00:07:31] is the Trojan horse of totalitarianism and we don't need that is now so initiate times say we need again a content fixation.
[00:07:42] So to the curricula with H written it says curricula with double e they become no content in it anymore.
[00:07:50] Our young people don't know anything about history anymore and are therefore not only historically but also politically immature,
[00:07:58] when I read again and again in serious studies that 70% of the young Germans of the 16 17 year old Germans do not know when the Federal Republic was founded what the wall was who built the wall,
[00:08:10] what is the difference between a fox, MPs your Bundestag representatives and so on and so on more I have to say,
[00:08:18] that is political immaturity or can any demagogue,
[00:08:23] or can the relevant media of course should be politically illiterate historical but forbid constantly make an X for a U.
[00:08:31] content again content a content canon yes because we already that make him a pun too much knowledge under all canon,
[00:08:41] canonical knowledge is still under the gun that's already a folk etymology,
[00:08:46] the educational standards in Germany are sinking year by year, what would be your most important demand?
[00:08:59] Access Jungle Gymnasium and study oriented to performance and talent class Riehen II top promotion,
[00:09:08] also our highly gifted have a right to optimal support to free development of the personality as it says in the Basic Law we do very much right.
[00:09:20] In Germany for the weak.
[00:09:23] Yes my highly professional is Förderschule like I him in Germany that one would like to sacrifice however now also because I allegedly the UNO in a convention over handicapped children demands that by the way not at all correct.
[00:09:38] So an orientation of course also on the welfare of the child and yes like the curricula that are full of content.
[00:09:48] I need I in the field just one last example if the basic vocabulary 14 year olds has been reduced by curricula in the last 30 years from 1400 to 700 words.
[00:10:01] That's when I have to say spoke incompetent young people.
[00:10:06] It is not the linguistically capable already are of course then also not able to understand or articulate certain things or to say it with your saying of Ludwig von Wittgenstein the limits of my language are the limits of my world,
[00:10:20] the narrower the limits of my language are therefore the limits of my world.
[00:10:25] Absolutely if I am not able to express myself in the language of my language then I stand aside I am not part of the discussion and I am confused for any propaganda.
[00:10:40] Bernd almost half a million graduates.
[00:10:46] And 400000 apprentices are entering the job market this year in Germany alone,
[00:10:55] because of the corona crisis, many of them will be there though,
[00:10:59] unfortunately will not find a job and Seeliger apprenticeships are cancelled without replacement and most internships and student jobs are postponed indefinitely,
[00:11:12] you need a lot of confidence you need prospects Bernd how can the economic model Gradido support here.
[00:11:25] Yes, we need a long-term solution,
[00:11:29] so at the moment the solutions that are offered now with subsidies with the support of different companies and so on these are all either loans or in any case short term solutions,
[00:11:43] the point is that now no matter how people are trained it seems that there are less jobs
[00:11:52] that through automation and so on the jobs will be even less on the other hand and that's what he said,
[00:12:03] we are different,
[00:12:06] we are different Bayer Gradido Academy for example say that each person has their own special gifts,
[00:12:14] together we are the best solution to support each other optimally that means that a craftsman e.g.
[00:12:23] is just as valuable as an academic,
[00:12:26] or other professions and so I think it's right that an academic doesn't get paid as much more as a good craftsman,
[00:12:36] but the Gradido Academy can help,
[00:12:40] no matter what the employment situation looks like Gradido sees an active basic income is very important.
[00:12:51] Because of unconditional participation ahead that says that every person no matter how otherwise the labor market is designed,
[00:13:01] every human being has the right to contribute to the community with his gifts with his inclinations and to receive his basic income for it,
[00:13:13] that's a kind of encourage and demand,
[00:13:15] that means in contrast to the unconditional basic income where it is said that everybody gets his money with the watering can, no of course performance is important.
[00:13:24] it's about promoting and challenging every human being in the best possible way,
[00:13:32] and request this photo which should actually start in school and which is now apparently more and more equalized,
[00:13:40] to continue this support and challenge throughout life, we have from the 1980s,
[00:13:49] the trend also in the economy had that in the application and in the filling of apprenticeships.
[00:13:57] The enterprises handicraft enterprises decided naturally to service provider for savings banks and banks and so on the high school graduate the Realschüler preferred have the Realschüler the Hauptschule.
[00:14:11] This is in the heads of parents actually stuck as the motto of the man begins at the Abitur maintenance is but through you have no chance.
[00:14:20] Much too late one has noticed on the part of the economy.
[00:14:26] That you can't run a business with smart and articulate graduates.
[00:14:35] But of course that's damn hard to catch up again you can basically only get one through free market measures,
[00:14:44] that means I have to increase the apprentice salaries as they said in the past, the rates for people who haven't studied have to be attractive.
[00:14:57] Absolutely not in the long run that everyone who studies then somewhere in the civil service or in an NGO,
[00:15:05] a job moved to on the Iberia 13 on 14 on now there is market economy can not work what went wrong and the school policy has of course given all the food,
[00:15:17] the access to Gymnasium is in 15 of the 16 German states completely,
[00:15:22] in the trouble is and the often wrong assessment of parents released only Bavaria,
[00:15:28] has here certain criteria in the access to the Gymnasium I fear I fear.
[00:15:34] With the populist politics which one operates meanwhile also in Bavaria one will probably give that also in Bavaria so after the slogan we may not patronize parents also if parents not always in the interest of the child well-being.
[00:15:48] The politically intended inflation of educational qualifications,
[00:15:52] was bought with a dramatic lowering of requirements. That's what Josef Kraus says,
[00:16:01] far more than 50% of school leavers have a university entrance qualification can study,
[00:16:09] SEB according to scientific studies 98% of newborns are highly gifted after school it is only 2%.
[00:16:23] Are there successful methods to promote the real potential development and to keep the natural giftedness what do you think.
[00:16:36] On paper of course there are and they are practiced in some countries around the world.
[00:16:43] That's always been practiced breakout because you knew if you wanted to even halfway keep a connection.
[00:16:50] Then you have to promote the 2% of the top people that's what the GDR did with special shoes.
[00:16:59] Like you Yun not always with the consent of the parents was of course also in it that make the Chinese completely,
[00:17:08] intensive that's why the East Asians will run away from us anyway because they have mirrors in other performance which now doesn't mean that I want to have the Chinese grill school yes but we also have in the American area,
[00:17:21] the elite schools, however, that is a little bit the downside of these elite schools that these elite schools of course in terms of funding,
[00:17:32] the fees are socially highly selective,
[00:17:37] I'm not saying that I'm a socialist, but in Germany we don't have much of that.
[00:17:42] but if I have boarding schools in Germany where the parents are charged 2600 € per month, I have to say that only the price is elitist but not necessarily what comes out the back I do not want to name names of such shoes,
[00:17:57] again we have the imbalance to diagnose the again a little closer to the 1990s are not long ago.
[00:18:07] Since then we have a doubling of the number of first-year students we have for three years now more young people who start a course of study so start a vocational training now I'm afraid,
[00:18:19] because of the shortage of apprenticeships, which you rightly mentioned, that many people will say yes, okay, before I'm out on the street I'll just go to a warm university,
[00:18:30] there I am at least once 536 years the parents will also join from the street away what I wish.
[00:18:39] And maybe that would also be a small contribution and make the saga more balanced would have at the great educational effect.
[00:18:50] I would like to see a compulsory year of service for all young people.
that way maybe young people would send taste.
[00:19:00] In the area where we really have the gigantic labor shortage namely in the area of social professions nursing professions and so on and so on more we are now connection with coronavirus clinic.
[00:19:13] But probably enough places but we don't have enough nursing staff.
[00:19:19] Because no one wants to have a blue coat profession but all would like to have only a white coat profession as if a general compulsory year I have already almost held from 2011 by the way or more vigorous help on the,
[00:19:33] Bavarian government party,
[00:19:36] her flies was suspended I would have liked the opposite a general compulsory service for both sexes.
[00:19:45] For pedagogical reasons because young people the a whole life increasing life expectancy.
[00:19:52] 80 year 85 year life expectancy of people born today.
[00:19:56] As long as beneficiaries of this community this society these statuses are of its infrastructure.
[00:20:03] From bridges roads to health care to education.
[00:20:07] Why do I ask my toric can't you ask 18 19 20 year olds to invest 9 or 12 months of this life in this community anymore.
[00:20:20] Would solve many a problem and would perhaps solve some such academic blockade up there in the head.
[00:20:28] Bernd some constructive suggestions from Josef Kraus how does the academy see it.
[00:20:37] Yes, the idea of this obligatory year of service fits very well.
[00:20:42] with the unconditional participation with the active basic income, that is
[00:20:47] 5 and so one wants the obligatory one that is not so unfashionable nowadays if one now calls it unconditional participation every person has the right and says you can contribute to the community.
[00:20:59] you also get something like an active basic income as I said is important here active basic income then we have exactly that,
[00:21:07] Water Kraus demands,
[00:21:10] I know a lot of people who would like to do a caring job or a caring activity,
[00:21:18] but then tell me yes I earn more somewhere else or is just as little in this caring profession.
[00:21:26] And that's what we can solve through an active basic income and that's then on a voluntary basis but the people who do it then on a voluntary basis who then get on your active basic income.
[00:21:40] They are then also enthusiastic about it then I'm doing something voluntarily I like to do I'm enthusiastic about the activity I also know people who are
[00:21:50] who did care work when they were doing community service, for example, they said that their lives have changed in a positive way simply because of it, so it is an enrichment, a human enrichment.
[00:22:02] they still draw their whole life from it insofar so I am quite dakor it is about that,
[00:22:10] we humans have a natural social need to be involved in the community, that was the encouragement,
[00:22:18] well it can be through the compulsory year our approach is the voluntary approach with the active basic income,
[00:22:25] the effect then if voluntary it will even be that through the enthusiasm.
[00:22:31] Yes you can say that it is the professor gerald Hüther who says enthusiasm is fertilizer for the brain.
[00:22:39] And that means if I do something with enthusiasm I get better and better at it and I enjoy it and I can pass on this enjoyment and I think we are very close to each other.
[00:22:50] There is yes with gradido.
[00:22:53] There is also a generous debt free state budget where school education and further education are free of charge that is almost paradisiacal how is the whole thing financed.
[00:23:07] It is financed by the triple money creation,
[00:23:10] we have to assume that Gradido is a model, a proposal for new rules of the game and the old games of rain are called money is created through debt, that is, the assets of some are necessarily the debts of others,
[00:23:23] is actually a war system since you can't have either credit or debt,
[00:23:29] in between there's zero otherwise there's nothing gradido is after plus sum model,
[00:23:35] money becomes creature according to new laws yet only as our proposal new laws by life itself for each person itself the triple money creation means,
[00:23:45] that the first 1000 Gradido in the month are created for just the active basic income which is equivalent to 1 € and not a credit you then corresponds to 1 € in Asia.
[00:23:56] The sides are then for the star Zeta that corresponds if one would calculate that in Germany approximately federation countries municipalities + social welfare III is for the compensation and environment before to the reorganization,
[00:24:09] the environmental legacy worldwide have 58 million children,
[00:24:16] and 63 million adolescents still have no access to primary and secondary school 90 % of all children,
[00:24:26] with a disability never go to school 781 million people are illiterate,
[00:24:36] 7.5 million are functionally illiterate in Germany alone,
[00:24:44] that's a poverty testimonial app of course that's normal testimonies two thoughts on that.
[00:24:54] Firstly that we just area of the third world and there belong almost all 1.4 billion Africans to it.
[00:25:07] With growth projections they're going to be two and a half and three billion at some point that education didn't get off the ground here is of course also a failure of development aid policy.
[00:25:20] I seriously wonder sometimes.
[00:25:22] What is meant by these trillions of dollars that have gone to Africa in recent decades.
[00:25:33] Dark channels in basket the channels and so on more.
[00:25:37] But well that's a separate topic now but I'm education man I'm perfectly clear.
[00:25:46] That education is the future investment par excellence especially in these countries also this is not just a frog Klaus Sunday speeches.
[00:25:55] But when I look at the demographic development in Africa that education is also the prerequisite that the demographic development there comes back in a reasonable direction.
[00:26:09] What has happened in Africa in the last 100 years is a demographic catastrophe.
[00:26:17] Yes the 1913 before the First World War there were in the 13 had Germany and France together.
[00:26:24] 120000000 inhabitants and Africa 130000000.
[00:26:31] Today France along with Germany has about 140 million and Africa has 1.4 billion.
[00:26:40] Something has gone wrong with the demographic development in Africa, of course the churches have also pursued a wrong policy.
[00:26:51] What has Kruger become but too late and now we just have large parts of Africa.
[00:26:58] The Muslims me are shaped Islamic are Islam is now a so-called religion.
[00:27:06] Song child wealth promotes so sooner or later we.
[00:27:10] The three of us may not live it in Africa three or four billion have we can basically all,
[00:27:17] environmental projects climate protection and other break the forgotten if this development in Africa is so continues so even more education yes,
[00:27:26] it's for the job market and empowering people there that's crucial and we also know.
[00:27:34] Unfortunately with us already in the other direction in overturned the more educated people are the more thoughtful recently the offspring into the world.
[00:27:45] As I said I will say in Germany tilted in the other direction.
[00:27:49] We know that academically educated women in Germany have never had a child rate of 0.7, which of course can't be.
[00:27:59] Bernd education policy Africa but just the important issue of population development what answers Gradido.
[00:28:12] I think it's a very good idea with the education, which is also in line with our research,
[00:28:18] that's the way it is, so there should be an explosion in education not only in Africa but also in other countries, especially in poor countries, of course poor countries are not up to date in terms of education,
[00:28:31] this goes hand in hand and I think it's a very good approach that this is seen together with education what we can see is that everywhere there is poverty,
[00:28:42] there is child wealth and therefore overpopulation whereas in the wealthy countries,
[00:28:48] where again education is there and so it's a one-to-one match,
[00:28:54] the population is decreasing or at least it's not increasing much,
[00:28:59] so that means on the one hand education is important on the other hand it's also important that we eradicate poverty and create prosperity when the two come together,
[00:29:09] then for example people don't need their children to secure their old age pensions that they then came to countries very often the case,
[00:29:18] that besides that the children are so to speak the only old age provision for the people.
[00:29:24] This is through a model like Gradido also that all people are provided for Gradido works by the way also worldwide not only in luxury countries will be in ours but also in the previously poor countries,
[00:29:38] if we can make it so that all people,
[00:29:40] are well supplied all people come to prosperity then also from therefore the over population problem will solve you in quite and indeed pleasant people friendly way also in connection with education.
[00:29:54] So one you already mentioned is active basic income instead of student loans Bernd.
[00:30:02] Well then you don't need student loans any more than you do if everyone has active basic income that applies of course at any age even for growing people,
[00:30:12] and then they don't need student loans anymore then they do something for the community they can do that too.
[00:30:17] as well as student jobs are also seen so they can do something for the community parallel to their studies,
[00:30:25] their active basic income you don't need a student loan or other study grants but on the other hand you can offer education free of charge yes and against the background that we.
[00:30:39] More than 20,000 students have had to apply for loans in the past few months.
[00:30:49] In order to even be able to meet the expenses until they take their exams.
[00:30:57] We already have a generation.
[00:31:01] Who sees the existing welfare system as flawed is the younger generation in the transformation,
[00:31:12] of our social contract more radical than the older the pandemic,
[00:31:19] has turned their lives upside down an entire generation worldwide,
[00:31:25] now be defined by economic and often social and security,
[00:31:31] while millions enter the workforce in the midst of a deep recession they will be permanently marked by it Sepp.
[00:31:43] How do you see that I don't know if that's perceived and received by young people yet we must not overlook that we,
[00:31:54] in Germany the child rate per married couple or parents and to use the classic terms of 1.4.
[00:32:05] And I say now what now now sharpened our young generation is a generation of inheritance.
[00:32:15] How they can rely on the parents that already has all the blame.
[00:32:20] The result is that the education times are extending more and more.
[00:32:27] Not because the demands are too high, but because you can take your time and parents won't necessarily mind if the children fledge later.
[00:32:38] About us in former times today there are thank God also occasionally three or four children had.
[00:32:46] Because it's finally happy when the children have fledged and proud of it.
[00:32:51] For the 1.4 children that a couple has today, the parents cling to it incredibly.
[00:32:58] Because of course the detachment of this one offspring simnat somewhere is also dramatic.
[00:33:05] What do we have today 28 year old 30 year old 32 year old however hotel mom we live.
[00:33:13] And I detailed that in my book about helicopter parents who go out maybe half a year the series reality and then as a boomerang it goes back to the parents.
[00:33:26] I think that our young people there.
[00:33:31] In their pampered state they don't even understand what's coming up.
[00:33:39] And yet they don't grasp what it means to pay off gigantic national debts that have publicly disappeared.
[00:33:48] This is something that is always sold as a future-oriented policy when billions of billions of billions are taken in hand,
[00:33:57] the three of us sitting here we won't be able to pay off this debt because of our age,
[00:34:04] but the 2.2 trillion public debt.
[00:34:09] That we have now we're going to have to pay off our children and our grandchildren unless there's a total crash.
[00:34:19] Cue crash Bernd who pays off the debt,
[00:34:24] do you have an idea for sure yes for sure or I assume they will so we agree they would not be paid off there will be a change we are talking about a peaceful,
[00:34:37] transformation of the monetary system the other alternative is the crash we don't want it we don't have any influence on it from food crash there or not that is predicted already in the next few years by economy experts,
[00:34:51] but whether it comes to a crash or a peaceful transformation,
[00:34:56] in both cases the debt will dissolve in some form because it is not mathematically repayable.
[00:35:04] Now I'm not necessarily supposed to just offload the responsibility onto the younger generation to say yes the young people and helicopter parents and so on,
[00:35:14] is true,
[00:35:16] but we also have to consider which generation did this damage, it wasn't the young people, in the end it's us, our generation, yes, it's not about assigning blame, it's purely historical.
[00:35:28] Our generation is the one that made sure that such debts are there now, that allowed such a monetary system in the first place,
[00:35:38] then that it must come to the crash or that the old monetary system that it can not work in the long run,
[00:35:45] that you can again with a look at the mathematics on the simplest usually not quite simple it is after all exponential calculus,
[00:35:55] you can see it can't grow something constantly just grow grow grow that has to come to a crash,
[00:36:01] Porsche Crash we have had in the past often e.g. also as wars the Second World War is not so long ago are now somehow 80 years or so,
[00:36:13] Crash come in many different ways,
[00:36:17] it can be wars it can be economic crashes it can be banking crashes it can be catastrophes and all of these can be
[00:36:26] with the model of the natural economy of life so I assume the younger generation doesn't have to pay off this debt,
[00:36:35] they will probably laugh in the long run about how stupid we were in our time to build up such debts so we would certainly go down in history as a generation well over the [00:36:46] young generation.
[00:36:46] the young people when they are older can probably also smile in a certain way.
[00:36:52] Are the silent revolution according to you the young generation the young people or are they just the pampered and the look at it all in peace,
[00:37:03] where do you think the journey is going the young generation is waiting for a.
[00:37:09] evolution for a transformation or rather a revolution,
[00:37:15] and I think the young people rightly expect from the adult generation so of course they are already the young adults but they expect,
[00:37:26] a solution they've been used to the year solutions coming from politicians or from somewhere or from business or from somewhere or from technology or from science, [00:37:38] that's what they expect.
[00:37:38] that's what they've learned growing up there's always people that fix the problem.
[00:37:45] And it's not completely wrong, so you can't accuse young people of having to pull the cart out of the mud that we might have driven into,
[00:37:57] the beautiful thing is that necessity is the mother of invention, so Corona is also the mother of invention, the crisis is also the mother of invention, the crisis is also the mother of opportunity,
[00:38:07] and let's use the chance to establish a new money and economic system together, if we don't do it, we from below, we humans don't do it,
[00:38:18] then it will come from above,
[00:38:20] I would just like to point out that for example the World Economic Forum has been talking about the Great Reset for a while now, but look what they are up to, so transhumanism is a topic there for example, so human machine,
[00:38:35] there is this whole digitalization so to an extent that probably we won't like anymore.
[00:38:41] Almost Chinese style and things like that are being propagated from the World Economic Forum side and that means change is definitely coming,
[00:38:52] the question is who's going to make the change,
[00:38:54] and there we offer now in the Gradido model a solution that we humans can do and if we don't do it then there will be a solution to extend the model.
[00:39:06] is I use the word in liter just again differently in from the economic elites this but then according to their ideas and wishes rules that we probably will not necessarily like.
[00:39:19] They sometimes quite positively.
[00:39:22] That actually the young generation is also determined to become pioneers of social change,
[00:39:32] we see it positively that this young generation also sees itself as a catalyst of change as an important source for the great,
[00:39:46] How do you see it Sepp, against the background of your decades of experience in dealing with young people, there is certainly potential.
[00:40:00] Since I of you cialda if one wakes it but it was not woken.
[00:40:07] Because education our education system.
[00:40:11] Didn't even bring certain things to the young people our young people basically through school na so nothing.
[00:40:22] Successful economic education with.
[00:40:26] And they have already mentioned today they have a miserable historical education a miserable political education with the consequence.
[00:40:34] That actually a significant portion of our young people are pretty politically ignorant.
[00:40:44] Or is naive to you.
[00:40:48] Uncritical we shouldn't lie in our pockets and say Friday for future is now in the BB for how engaged young people are.
[00:41:00] So aside from the fact that a lot of those who marched up there on Friday have no idea.
[00:41:09] Comply pathology don't even know what the difference between weather and climate is don't know what percentage.
[00:41:18] The atmosphere of CO2 has and so on and so on more this is actionism and I've gotten many many letters and reports from parents.
[00:41:28] Slide boat cars about how the schools have cancelled lessons in some cases so that the kids could go to the demonstration on Friday.
[00:41:38] Which we wrote the biggest beneficiaries of these Friday demonstrations and the burger chains.
[00:41:44] Accordingly, you have a in the marketplaces also looked no our young people.
[00:41:52] Have remained unsophisticated in political judgment for three years.
that is not their fault.
[00:42:01] It's the fault of the education system and it's the fault of the parents and it's the fault of the media.
[00:42:08] We have in our media we just need now the public broadcasters you take now again per year 400 million more we would like to have 72 radio and television programs.
[00:42:20] It's their it's their with a political slant,
[00:42:26] I don't even have to name the color, you only have to listen to half an hour of ZDF or Deutschlandfunk or Deutschlandradio Kultur.
[00:42:36] It's indoctrination, I'd be showing the young people something.
[00:42:43] Or we just said that all three of us agree that our generation has screwed up a lot.
[00:42:52] We elected people then I take the union parties completely in.
[00:42:59] Only always Signum Einsegnung insignum Wohltaten Wohltaten Wohltaten have promised so that I a welfare state patriotism otherwise is the patriotism igittigitt welfare state patriotism has developed.
[00:43:14] Where it's no longer about God the Father, but Father the State, which will do everything and judge, and thereby, of course, own initiative has been slain.
[00:43:26] That was the education of immaturity, helplessness, but everything works out.
[00:43:34] No one has looked at the debt clock when we now look at what money is spent in connection with Corona.
[00:43:43] Of course we need for the gastronomy for example.
[00:43:48] For the whole tourism industry we need bridging aid, but when I look at it, we still have enough money,
[00:43:58] and then you give about I don't know five or six thousand employees of the federal parliament administration a Christmas bonus so why actually,
[00:44:08] because they have made home office since the free time have gained,
[00:44:11] who have saved travel time and fuel that is somewhere crazy not be embarrassed or may one in Baden-Württemberg headmasters.
[00:44:21] Also not given Christmas bonus because of Corona thank God many of my colleagues driving school he said no we do not want that is embarrassing but why again this cornucopia.
[00:44:34] In Germany alone we currently have around 2 trillion euros in national debt.
[00:44:44] Worldwide hundreds of trillions of euros we are talking about education policy what would be.
[00:44:54] The ideal education system from Gradido Academy Bernd.
[00:45:00] Well these are not education experts we do look around what is there what are there new forms of learning,
[00:45:10] and there are a lot of them. I think we talked about Russia before. In Russia there is the Schetinin School,
[00:45:17] which literally became a school in Germany, Austria and between then it's called lies Schule.
[00:45:24] The works for example after a model there is also very much that pupils also at the same time pupils teach on new high German Denglisch is called it then peer-to-peer learning probably yellow is for it also a beautiful German word,
[00:45:39] that's just an example so what I want to say is there are many good approaches I have myself
[00:45:47] in my youth after I was frustrated with school to be honest I was one of those students who was mathematically very gifted and musically very good but bad,
[00:46:00] and my worst subject was French.
[00:46:03] I then after school when I then started as a sound engineer also for,
[00:46:10] Angela methods I came across superlearning which is alarm in a relaxed state,
[00:46:18] and I then got myself to the course I don't know I listened to the tapes for a few months then we had one in the recording studio,
[00:46:28] recording for I think the Bosch company there was about a French operating instructions on audio cassette,
[00:46:37] the representative of the company was a Frenchman and a French speaker.
[00:46:41] They were talking over coffee and all of a sudden I suddenly saw myself talking to them in French, the language I learned at school,
[00:46:55] the greatest difficulties and the whole thing through a few weeks maybe three months of superlearning
[00:47:03] and as I'm thinking why don't you do that in the normal shoes
[00:47:07] so if you already know that there are such methods that are good that work where you can learn in your sleep of course sounds very comfortable now so it's not quite like that so you also have to be active in the process
[00:47:21] with much less effort you can learn something which at school at least made it subjectively very difficult for me.
[00:47:30] The insights for good learning.
[00:47:33] They've been around for a long time, so a private language school works completely different than for example our school system,
[00:47:42] so there are many solutions,
[00:47:45] and if you now ask what is the ideal school system I would now say from the point of view of the Gradido Academy let us,
[00:47:52] the many good methods that work let's gather them together they don't always have to be hard and difficult of course maybe that's part of it,
[00:48:04] but the gathering and making the best of it and with that we can make a very very good education again,
[00:48:12] so super mood I to at works with historical knowledge just as with languages,
[00:48:18] with mathematics it doesn't work quite as well but I just want to say that there are lots of solutions, it's about putting them together.
[00:48:26] So maybe it's a good idea to turn to your new book Sepp that you're writing right now,
[00:48:34] The German Subject Weaned from Thinking, which is supposed to be published in the middle of next year.
[00:48:44] Intension you can give us perhaps already some core statements on the way.
[00:48:53] I'm trying from the last 500 years.
[00:48:58] One trait of the German national character is the obedience to authority.
[00:49:07] Starting with Luther so please don't faint now.
[00:49:11] And then of course continuing through the Wilhelmine era National Socialism GDR.
[00:49:19] And I think I have evidence.
[00:49:23] This is also newest Germany that ever existed as they say.
[00:49:30] In the meantime, there would be a pronounced spirit of subservience.
[00:49:35] You believe everything that comes out of Berlin you believe everything that comes out of the public law.
[00:49:42] Somehow I have the feeling that the Germans can't really revolutionize anyway.
[00:49:48] Zombie in the history never brought on the legs they are ultimately authority-believing.
[00:49:54] They used to believe in authority over right-wing slogans now they believe in authority over left-wing slogans.
[00:50:04] As for the authoritarian personality which Jan and Adorno also tried to capture with a questionnaire with an f-scale fascism Strada yes constructed his exile to the United States.
[00:50:19] I will today times so one to one on the faith in leftist ideologies to.
[00:50:29] Egalitarianism tourism.
[00:50:33] Globalism humanitarianism anti-fascism anti-colonialism there were then five or six to enumerations stopped this is the new decalogue somewhere for the federal citizen.
[00:50:49] Politically correct it must be.
[00:50:52] That is huge fallen that the German language is verhunzt by ZDF of ARD moderators citizens and zungenschnalzer,
[00:51:03] and so on and so on, the German Michel puts up with too much, whether it concerns making debts.
[00:51:13] Or whether you this idiot their nation I have now called gender examples concerns this Obrigkeitsdenken is just the you also abhorrent,
[00:51:25] Yes, it is important that we think again.
[00:51:29] I don't want to deny anyone that he or she doesn't think, but it's really important that we stop ourselves from thinking,
[00:51:37] and there are some things that I think we should not take for granted from the public media but really look at and question,
[00:51:49] is it really true, is it logical.
[00:51:52] Whether that's just the measures at Corona whether that's just now the education policy where we are now very
[00:52:00] intensively about whether that's what we're being told about economic growth and so on,
It's important that we become self-thinking people again and dare to think for ourselves,
[00:52:16] I would like a picture of Immanuel Kant me contradiction spirit.
[00:52:21] Enlightenment is the exit from self-inflicted immaturity or next sentence is almost even more interesting that the kant wrote which is now also manufactured us into the realist corner.
[00:52:34] It is so comfortable to be immature.
[00:52:38] It's so comfortable to be immature but unfortunately the German Michel puts up with it.
[00:52:47] And if he disagrees, he is immediately put in the right corner.
as a Nazi, the conspiracy theorist.
[00:52:58] Insulted
Which, by the way, is all a dramatic demagogic.
[00:53:05] Trivialization of the injustice of National Socialism is when you have such labels,
[00:53:13] so the three of us are certainly among those who don't let themselves be bullied.
[00:53:21] Confess that this has cost me quite jendela of friendship yes but.
[00:53:28] The principle stands Dostoevsky in the brothers karamazov in this insertion of the Grand Inquisitor has inscribed it can not be.
[00:53:40] Or grand inquisitor to the imprisoned in jesus says I hope I now press the row correctly.
[00:53:49] I know honey then you can sell them.
[00:53:53] Make them full then you can sleep on them I don't really know who but that's the way it goes.
[00:54:00] Convenience affluence neglect.
[00:54:05] And then you let the Berlin already do or one day but yes now already the appropriate developments,
[00:54:14] let me do Brussels and then let me do my world government and then that was the thing Guterres do and so on and then what you do the big foundations from Soros to Bill Gates always fix it.
[00:54:28] What was true in ancient Rome bread and games is especially true in the digitalized media world.
[00:54:40] Right and us there now we don't have winding through Corona where I'm really concerned about the limitations of our young people.
[00:54:50] We have now already that has the Ifo Institute was half a year after the first block then found that our 12 to 16 year olds.
[00:55:00] When did car park the parents interviewed now already more with her mice cinema and in Brunnthal and are busy than they learn.
[00:55:10] There comes but the impoverishment of the original social contacts with.
[00:55:16] And that reminds me of a diagnosis that Günther anders made four years ago with his book Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen (The Antiquity of Man), when there was no digitalization,
[00:55:26] he meant television and how much more we have that now with digitalization who said we are on the way to antisocial mass hermits.
[00:55:39] Corona the complete digitalization promotes this even more.
[00:55:46] If I may say so Sepp you stand for a modern conservatism.
[00:55:55] Gradido focuses on the natural economy of life.
[00:56:03] Preserving the proven conservare.
[00:56:08] I think that fits together quite well, because in the end we humans can only do so much.
[00:56:15] Also learn from observing nature and make progress why not for.
[00:56:23] The economy and for education.
[00:56:28] Yes the active basic income we have also discussed today certainly at Gradido.
[00:56:38] An unconditional participation in the life of society, so in concrete terms that means that everyone can contribute with his inclinations and abilities where it suits him best.
[00:56:50] That is ultimately in the best interest of our society.
[00:56:56] But if the education system has failed.
[00:57:03] That's what we heard today, the whole society is threatened.
[00:57:11] The Gradido Academy will be happy to find fellow campaigners to put an end to the misery.
[00:57:21] A very heartfelt thank you to Josef Kraus for his stocktaking, and also from my side a very heartfelt thank you dear Mr. Kraus.
[00:57:33] If you are curious now and would like to get more information about guardino.
[00:57:40] Of course you can do that on the website www.khadi.de. Net.
[00:57:47] See you soon and best regards from the Gradido Academy Michael and Bernd.
[00:57:54] Music.
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