Great Cooperation - Gradido and entrepreneur networks

"If everyone looks forward together, success will come naturally."

- Henry Ford

Dear Reader,

Do you also wish that as soon as possible the things of daily use are available for Gradido and the dream of worldwide prosperity and peace for the human family becomes reality?

But instead of worldwide prosperity and peace, just the opposite seems to be going on. Even here in Central Europe, more and more people are slipping into poverty, and mass bankruptcies are imminent - not to mention the many other problems. Can we 'little people' still counteract in time and effectively to create a future worth living in appreciation, gratitude and love for each other? We owe it to ourselves, our children and all the children of the world to undertake this with all the means at our disposal.

'Undertake' the future

Speaking of 'companies': it is often the self-employed and entrepreneurs who use their competence and know-how, as well as the necessary means, to positively shape the future with their heart and soul. More and more are recognizing the signs of the times and are networking. Recently Bernd was invited by a local group of an entrepreneur network to present Gradido. Afterwards, he answered quite a few questions - to the full satisfaction of the 30 or so listeners present, as the host told us.

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The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity

Now that the fatal consequences of the debt money system are becoming obvious, more and more people are waking up and starting to form alternative structures. In the communities that are emerging in this way, we have the historic opportunity to create a new monetary system together that is based on appreciation, gratitude and love. Gradido is created decentrally by us people for us people in networked communities. Every person can contribute to the common good with his or her very special gifts and thus create his or her Active Basic Income. The Gradidos created in this way are then available for exchange among each other.

As you know, our earth can feed a multiple of the world's population in high quality organic food. But there are no financial means available for this, because in the old system the money flows to the 0.01% unimaginable super rich, who follow their own agenda.

With this, the solution is clear:
With Gradido, we the people are building a new financial system from below that makes the old system obsolete.

Together we are successful

Initially isolated, then in more and more places, and suddenly everywhere, Gradido communities are sprouting up like mushroom crops. The numerous communities are decentrally networked and can no longer be stopped. Together we can produce everything we need for a fulfilled life. We then no longer need the money of the super-rich: "Imagine they have all the money in the world, but no one wants it!" - Then we are free!

A thousand thanks for your support!

At this point we thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts who contribute to the great common goal: the liberation of the human family in prosperity and peace and harmony with nature. You are the true heroes of the future, because you know: it is all about the whole.

Gradido is funded by donations. Thanks to your generous support contributions, we can continue to fund the development of the decentralized and scalable Gradido account, so that when the time is right, it will be available to all people - including the poorest - free of charge.

We need you

Of course, you are welcome to join us even if you cannot or do not want to provide financial support, because everyone has their own special gifts. Some have time, some have money. Others have other resources, still others a little bit of everything. Everyone can contribute - including you!

You don't have a free Gradido account yet?
>>>Register it today! 

You are interested in our support program and would like to receive more than 18 times GradidoTransform as a thank you?
>>>Inform yourself here! 

The collapse of the second largest crypto exchange 'FTX', whose customers were relieved of several billions, recently showed once again that BitCoin & Co are no solution.

"When everyone looks forward together, success comes naturally," said Henry Ford. By joining forces, we will create a future worth living for everyone. Misery, hunger, environmental destruction and wars will then come to an end, and no one will have to flee their homeland. Our beautiful earth will once again become the paradise it was presumably once intended to be - for ourselves, our children and all the children of the world.

Thank you a thousand times for being with us and co-creating the livable future!


Margret Baier and Bernd Hückstädt
Gradido founder and developer

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