Two ways to deposit your sponsorship contribution:

Thank you for supporting Gradido! You have two options for paying your sponsorship contribution:

1. via our store system

The Store system of our payment provider 'Elopage-Namotto' offers many payment methods deductible VAT invoices and automatic crediting of GDT. This makes it best suited for self-employed and entrepreneurs.

2. transfer to our association account:

IBAN: BE19 9673 3465 4612
Wise-Bank, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Account holder: Gradido Academy International
Pustritz 77, A- 9112 Griffen, Austria

Please send us parallel to your bank transfer an e-mail to with your address, the amount and if necessary further details, so that we can assign your transfer manually and thank you with GDT.
A thousand thanks for being with us and promoting the Gradido project!
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