From separation to connection

Karolin Schönemann and Eugen Litwinenko on 'Honest Sharing'. The concept of trauma resolution is another valuable piece of the puzzle of our common good future - for ourselves, our children and all the children of the world.

Laughing touching each other in the heart

Laughter is healthy and is also increasingly used in therapy. Laughter can even save lives. "But if laughter is so good for people, then people laugh too little - especially in business," says business economist and laughter coach Susanne Klaus.

Wave of insolvency as an opportunity

Common good currency instead of loss of existence Künzelsau, September 16, 2020 - By the end of the year at the latest, a veritable wave of bankruptcies will sweep Germany. Around 50,000 business closures are feared by the German Retail Association (HDE). The German Hotel and Restaurant Association is struggling with the biggest crisis of the post-war period: 61.6 percent of hospitality businesses fear for their existence. According to the German Travel Association (DRV), the tourism industry had already [...]

Nature as a model

Gradido financial model secures state budget without taxes Künzelsau, 03 August 2020 - The Corona crisis puts our tax system to the test. While bailouts gobble up billions, revenues are in free fall. Tax increases will be inevitable, but will find little acceptance. On this challenge, the current tax models may finally fail and be replaced by a financial system that taxes [...]

Supply instead of debt

New financial system for debt-free descendants Künzelsau, 30 June 2020 - Rescue funds worth billions are to mitigate the devastating economic consequences of the Corona crisis. The need is as enormous as the concern about how future generations are to pay off this gigantic mountain of debt. According to the economic bionics experts of the Gradido Academy, our financial and economic system could fail because of this challenge. Their alternative with a future [...]

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