Favorite city 8 - saving the city hospital
The Lieblingstadt clinic not only provided medical care to residents, but was also an important employer. High personnel costs and expensive medical equipment led to the clinic operator having to declare bankruptcy. But the favorite townspeople find a solution.
Favorite city 7 - Gradido model saves traditional brewery from takeover
The courage and entrepreneurial spirit of favorite city dwellers show once again that a sense of community and local identity combined with the Gradido model can achieve the seemingly impossible, especially in difficult times.
Favorite City 6 - How Favorite City's Citizens Save Their Beloved Shoe Factory
Former employees of the Lieblingsstädter Schuhmanufaktur get together - determined to defy fate. They decide to continue doing what they do best on a voluntary basis: making high-quality shoes.
Favorite city 5 - Wolfgang becomes unemployed - together they find an ingenious solution
The 'Lieblingsstädter Schuhmanufaktur' cannot stand up to international competition and has to declare bankruptcy. Many citizens lose their jobs. Wolfgang is one of them. Together with his friends he has the brilliant idea...
Favorite City 4 - Gradido Days at the Pizzeria: Volunteerism Meets Gastronomy
Since the introduction of Gradido Days, Pizzeria Napoli has been booming like never before. It is full every day and attracts more and more guests from further afield to experience the "miracle of favorite city".
Favorite city 3 - A family, a project and a city full of opportunities
With the Gradido thank points, Kerstin and Jannik can pursue their passions and encourage their children in their interests. They are grateful for this new perspective, which allows them to live their lives with joy and fulfillment.
Favorite city 2 - Monika's transformation from loneliness to community
Monika's story is an example of how the innovative compensation system 'Gradido' and the sharing of talents and needs can help overcome social isolation, build a strong community and even improve one's financial situation.
Favorite city 1 - The mayor's brave plan
Looking to the future, Michael has a bold plan to implement the Gradido community service reward system. This innovative points system rewards volunteer work with Gradido thank points, creating a culture of recognition and appreciation.
Gradido in favorite city - pioneer of a new era in volunteerism
Gradido has the potential to transform our communities into places where people love to live and engage. Join us on this exciting journey and discover how Gradido can usher in a new era of volunteerism.
Webinar: Prosperity and Peace for the Human Family
The legendary webinar with the Gradido founder: You get profound knowledge about the fatal mistakes of the old money system, the only sensible solution based on nature's model and the perfect guide on how to actively and joyfully shape the future. - THERE ARE NEW DATES!