Favorite City 6 - How Favorite City's Citizens Save Their Beloved Shoe Factory

"When politics and business fail us, we take our fate into our own hands and show what cooperation combined with excellent craftsmanship can do."

Dear Reader,

in the picturesque town of Lieblingsstadt, known for its high quality shoe production, the company 'Lieblingsstädter Schuhe' had built up an international reputation. However, as with many other companies, international competition was too strong and 'Lieblingsstädter' could not keep up. The bankruptcy of the company caused many citizens of Lieblingsstadt to lose their jobs.

This loss was a severe blow to the city. Business tax revenues fell enormously. This had far-reaching effects on public life and infrastructure. It was a dark time for Lieblingsstadt.

But in the midst of the financial storm, a glimmer of hope emerged. A group of former Lieblingsstädter employees came together - determined to defy fate. They decided to continue volunteering at what they do best: making high-quality shoes.

The timing couldn't have been better, because shortly before the bankruptcy, Mayor Michael Miteinand had introduced the Gradido compensation system in Lieblingsstadt. This model remunerates volunteer work with Gradido thank points, for which the dedicated employees receive discounts and benefits. These points allow volunteers to reduce their living expenses while doing what they love.

Thus, a serious setback became a new opportunity for favorite city and its inhabitants.

In order to put the impressive project of the volunteer shoe manufactory on a legally secure footing, Mayor Miteinand called together a team of experts. Lawyers, tax consultants, project managers, marketing experts, journalists and bank representatives were invited. The bankruptcy trustee also took part. They chose Pizzeria Napoli, the place where the idea was born, as the meeting place.

In the course of intensive discussions, the brand name 'Lieblingsstädter Ehrenamt' was agreed upon. The appropriate legal form was also discussed. An association, a cooperative, or a combination of both were shortlisted.

The group of experts agreed with the bankruptcy trustee to purchase part of the machinery and premises from the bankruptcy estate at a reasonable price. All profits should promote volunteerism and serve the welfare of all residents in favorite city.

And then the unthinkable happened: 

The project was not only successful - it was a huge success! The brand 'Lieblingsstädter Ehrenamt' became known and loved far and wide. The shoes themselves became a cult object throughout the German-speaking world. The sight of them was immediately associated with dedicated volunteer work.

In a time of great challenges, Favorite City, with the Gradido reward system and the inventiveness of its citizens, once again proves to be a shining example of how community spirit and innovative spirit can overcome even the greatest obstacles.

In our series "Gradido in favorite city" it is now also becoming more and more concrete in economic terms: In this sixth feature, the favorite townspeople save their shoe factory with the help of the honorary compensation system 'Gradido'. In the next two episodes, the brewery and the hospital will be saved. This should make the principle clear.

Feel free to forward this series to your city council, clubs and business owners!

It is up to each and every one of us to take action and help stop the downward spiral. 

With Gradido, we have in our hands an effective tool to positively shape lives and and save our economy. Together, we are transforming our cities and towns into vibrant thriving oases - our favorite places!

Love greetings


Margret Baier and Bernd Hückstädt
Gradido founder and developer

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