Thank you so much for supporting our work with your sponsorship contribution!

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will finally know what peace is."

- Jimmi Hendrix

Grateful March 25' campaign:
Plus 25% GDT on 25.03.2025*

(see below)*

Dear Sponsor,
as a responsible person who wants to make a valuable contribution, you want to use your financial resources as effectively as possible so that our beautiful earth becomes a place worth living in for the entire human family and our fellow world.
In the face of the burning problems that accumulate worldwide as a result of the unnatural financial system, we "little people" sometimes seem powerless. And yet it is our task to do our human best - for the sake of ourselves, our children and all the children of the world.
Fortunately, in the Gradido Academy, we were allowed to explore the billion-year-old laws of success of nature in over twenty years of business bionics research and incorporate them into the development of the Gradido model. This was often not easy, and many fierce dry spells lie behind us, in which we gave everything. In the meantime, we are able to provide the human family with probably the most sustainable monetary and economic system for worldwide prosperity and peace in harmony with nature. And with our great team, we are developing the globally scalable Gradido account, which will be decentralized in a few months.

Thanks to your sponsorship contributions:
Gradido is free of charge for all people worldwide!

You make all of this possible with your generous sponsorship contributions. Gradido cannot be bought, but each person creates the Gradidos himself through his unconditional participation in the community. Access to Gradido is therefore free of charge, even for the poorest of the poor.

In order to be able to finance the development costs and the free access for all people worldwide - and to remain independent (!) - we offer you our generous promotion planwhere you co-create the future fit for grandchildren and enjoy multiple benefits at the same time.

Our thanks to you: 15x GradidoTransform or more

GradidoTransform (GDT) are points of gratitude for the time of transformation. Unlike Gradido, they are not subject to impermanence. They serve the transformation and can later be converted into Gradido.

With GradidoTransform we would like to thank the people, companies and institutions that make the Gradido project possible through their financial support, be it a regular contribution or a one-off donation.

This is how we thank you:

  • from 100 €: 15x GDT
  • from 1.000 €: 16x GDT
  • from 5.000 €: 17x GDT
  • from 10.000 €: 18x GDT


Example: We would like to thank you for your sponsorship contribution of € 3,000 with 16 times this amount, i.e. a credit of 48,000 GDT. You will then receive another 25 % on 25.03.2025.

This is not a business transaction, a purchase or a financial investment, but a voluntary Support contribution for the purpose of further development of the Gradido projectfor which we thank you voluntary with GDT thank you points thank.

Two ways to deposit your sponsorship contribution:

1. via our store system

The Store system of our payment provider 'Elopage-Namotto' offers many payment methods deductible VAT invoices and automatic crediting of GDT. This makes it best suited for self-employed and entrepreneurs.

2. transfer to our association account:

IBAN: BE19 9673 3465 4612
Wise-Bank, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Account holder: Gradido Academy International
Pustritz 77, A- 9112 Griffen, Austria

Please send us parallel to your bank transfer an e-mail to with your address, the amount and if necessary further details, so that we can assign your transfer manually and thank you with GDT.

The earlier, the better for you:

*Grateful March 25' campaign:
Plus 25% GDT on 25.03.2025

On March 25, 2025, we will increase all GDT account balances by an additional 25%. This will increase the above factors as follows:

15x => approx. 19x GDT
16x => approx. 20x GDT
17x => approx. 21x GDT
18x => approx. 22.5x GDT

The time of your e-mail or order is decisive, even if we receive the payment later.

Of course, the increase also applies to all older sponsorship and membership fees that were paid in earlier, even if they were paid years ago.

With this sponsorship concept, we would like to express our gratitude to a particularly high degree to the wonderful people who are already supporting Gradido in the current project stage and are thus placing their trust in it.

We are here for you

Do you have questions, requests or need help? Just write us an email to We will be happy to take care of it. 

The power is in us - together!

We humans are creators of our destiny. Together we have the power to change the conditions on our earth for the better. With your generous contribution you help to bring the new money and economic system into the world, which is based on love, gratitude and appreciation. In the old debt-money system, the wars and destruction will continue.

With Gradido, the Natural Economy of Life, together we create prosperity and peace for the whole human family in harmony with nature - for the sake of ourselves, our children and all the children of the world.

Thank you a thousand times for being with us and co-creating the new earth!


Margret Baier and Bernd Hückstädt
Gradido founder and developer

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