Handy Gradido Calculator App

"Imagine gratitude becoming the currency of the new age....
What will all change for the better?"
- Imprint on the 'DankBar' bills

Dear Gradido friends,

with this handy calculator you have everything you need for Gradido.the calculator automatically calculates gross and net amount in Euro, GradidoRabatt, Gradido amount and DankBar at the daily rate. The "DankBar to GDD" button converts DankBar amount to GDD.

Simply download the app to your smartphone or computer without having to go to Google or Apple Appstore.  

Chrome top right the 3 dots:
Install Simple Gradido Calculator

Click on the button to go to the web page
Tap Install.
Follow the instructions on the screen.

After you have opened the web app in the browser, just tap on the small upload icon (square with arrow) located in your open browser tab and scroll down until you find "Upload to homescreen".

With Gradido and 'DankBar' another puzzle stone is available to us as a human family to create together prosperity, peace and freedom for all, in harmony with nature. Let us use the 'DankBar' - for our own sake, for the sake of our children and for the sake of all children in the world!

A thousand thanks because you are with us and love greetings


Margret Baier and Bernd Hückstädt
Gradido founder and developer

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