Favorite city 5 - Wolfgang becomes unemployed - together they find an ingenious solution

"I love my job, and I love people. And if there's ever a fire, I'll try anything to save people's lives."

Dear Reader,

for years Wolfgang worked in the traditional favorite city shoe manufactory. The shoes they produced were known and loved far beyond the city limits for their quality and perfect craftsmanship. But like so many other companies, 'Lieblingsstädter' could not withstand the relentless pressure of international competition. One day they had to declare bankruptcy and many citizens lost their until then secure jobs.

Wolfgang is one of them. In order to save the manufactory, he had agreed a year ago to work only part-time, thus reducing his salary to a good half. With devastating consequences, because the unemployment benefit is just 60 % of his last working wage. Despite his many years of work experience, he was classified as difficult to place because his skills were too specialized.

Wolfgang's lifestyle changed drastically. His regular visits to the Pizzeria Napoli, which meant so much to him, were now no longer possible.

Brave hero and saving angel

As a young man, Wolfgang joined the volunteer fire department. He has put himself in mortal danger several times to save people, sustaining severe burn injuries that have fortunately healed well.

He remembers very well the fire in the old pizzeria, where he rescued Alessia, the daughter of Giulia and Antonio from the flames. The old house burned down completely at that time. Thanks to the brave help of the firefighters, no people were harmed. Giulia and Toni had to look for new premises and found them in the old town in a beautiful stone house from the Wilhelminian period.

Poor through no fault of their own - and in Germany!

And now Wolfgang is supposed to give up the delicious pizza, the good wine and the dear company of his friends because he has no money to pay his bill? To be sure, Toni would certainly invite him. But begging? No, he would never do that!

Light at the end of the tunnel


One day he hears about Gradido Days - an initiative of the pizzeria as part of the Gradido project. Financially less well-off guests can eat and drink there two days a week for Gradido. He has had enough Gradidos, because since Mayor Michael Miteinand introduced the innovative 'Gradido' common good remuneration system, he has been paid 20 Gradido per hour for his firefighting service.

Wolfgang takes heart - and steps in

With his heart pounding, Wolfgang creeps unobtrusively around the pizzeria. Imagine: the brave strong man, who has already saved several people from the flames, is ashamed of his financial poverty and does not dare to enter! 

Finally he takes heart. Shyly he steps through the door - and to his great surprise and joy he is greeted with open arms by Giulia and Antonio: "Il nostro caro amico è tornato!" ("Our dear friend is back!") The guests present cheer. Wolfgang has tears of joy in his eyes. Deeply moved, he sits down at the regulars' table with his friends.

Common idea for a grandiose plan

Wolfgang's friends are solution-oriented people. Together they develop a grandiose plan, which they then want to present to the mayor.

In order to use Wolfgang's expertise and help the community at the same time, they consider continuing the shoe manufactory on a voluntary basis. One of the guests suggests creating a new brand under the name of 'Favorite City Volunteer' to create. Former employees would initially volunteer to make shoes again, in the traditional designs and high quality for which Lieblingsstädter is so famous. 

The volunteer work is remunerated with Gradido points and the shoes are offered online with Gradido discounts. Volunteers throughout the German-speaking world would thus be able to enjoy high-quality shoes at extremely affordable prices. With a little luck and marketing know-how, 'Lieblingsstädter Ehrenamt' will develop into a cult brand by which volunteers can recognize each other...

The ideas just flowed on this long evening - just like the good Italian wine.

And so begins a new, exciting chapter for Wolfgang and his friends at Pizzeria Napoli - and for all of Lieblingsstadt.

In this fifth post of our series "Gradido in favorite city" we learn how the current turbo-capitalism drags blameless citizens into the abyss, regardless of the great achievements they have made before.

We also witness how the favorite townsfolk help themselves with creativity and community spirit. In doing so, they use the Gradido reward system to take back power over their shared destiny.

The next episode is dedicated to the rescue of the favorite city shoe factory, which becomes a model for other company rescues.

Feel free to forward this series to your city council, clubs and business owners!

If we don't take action together now, the downward trend will continue, the economy will be driven to the wall, the middle class will be hollowed out, and many communities will collapse under the debt burden. 

With Gradido, we have an effective tool for positive life and success design in our hands. Together, we transform our cities and communities into vibrant thriving oases - our favorite places!

Love greetings


Margret Baier and Bernd Hückstädt
Gradido founder and developer

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