Favorite city 7 - Gradido model saves traditional brewery from takeover

"We favorite city dwellers don't let things get us down. On the contrary: with our successful projects, we like to encourage imitation."

Dear Reader,

in favorite city stands the cozy brewhouse of the municipal brewery, known for its diverse, spicy beer varieties. This local gem, despite its regional popularity, has struggled due to supra-regional competition that made it impossible to achieve cost-covering prices. The result was noticeable losses. A takeover by a group of companies seemed inevitable. As is so often the case in these difficult times, the big players once again threatened to eat the little ones.

But the residents of Lieblingsstadt did not want to give up their beloved brewery so easily and turned to the city council led by the popular mayor Michael Miteinand. The latter assured to bring the issue to the next meeting of the municipal council. Thanks to the good experience with the favorite city shoe factory, he also already had an idea...

With the Gradido model, in fact, it was possible to continue the manufactory successfully and partly on a voluntary basis - a solution that also opened up new possibilities for the brewery.


The community created a citizens' cooperative to save the shoe factory. Thus, on the one hand, jobs have been created, and on the other hand, shoe production is carried out largely on a voluntary basis. Many favorite townspeople invest in cooperative shares and thus support the joint project.

Spurred on by this success, Mayor Miteinand and his team of experts decided to expand the cooperative's field of business. Now they are using the Gradido model to save other companies, such as the municipal brewery, from bankruptcy or takeover.

The result is impressive: 

The brand 'Lieblingsstädter Ehrenamt' has gained national attention and now serves as an umbrella brand for all similar projects in the city. It is also an excellent brand name for the beer from the city's brewery.

As expected, the project around the beer was also a great success. 

'Favorite City Volunteer' now serves as a model for other projects of this kind. The courage and entrepreneurial spirit of the favorite city dwellers have once again shown that a sense of community and local identity in combination with the Gradido model can be a powerful tool for achieving the seemingly impossible, especially in difficult times.

In the seventh post In our popular series "Gradido in favorite city" the favorite city dwellers save their municipal brewery from being taken over by a large company. With the help of the volunteer compensation system 'Gradido', they make the traditional company competitive again and the brand 'Lieblingsstädter Ehrenamt' known throughout the country. In the next episodes, we save the hospital together. The principle is always the same: Common good and cooperation instead of competition.

Feel free to forward this series to your city council, clubs and business owners!

We must not stand idly by while our economy and our beautiful country are driven to the wall.

With Gradido, we have an effective tool for positive sustainable future design in our hands. Together, we are transforming our cities and towns into vibrant thriving oases - our favorite places!

Love greetings


Margret Baier and Bernd Hückstädt
Gradido founder and developer

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