Let's make 2025 the year of Gradido

Quite simply: by creating a circle with 2-3 interested parties. We started in Potsdam with such a small group. If people in other places copy us, then a network of Gradido circles will be created and we will get to know each other and connect more quickly.

Seven areas where you can get involved

A big thank you to all of you, you have shared so many skills in the space "Mit+Wirken" in the Gradido circles that you give to the world. I have organized the evaluation into topics and ask you to share ideas ...

Your "participation+action" is required

Would you also like to come into even better contact with us and other Gradido members and make our connection to each other tangible? And would you like to use your very special gifts to ...

We work together!

The INSTITUT NEUSTART (short form) has a purpose of existence and this is: "We make a contribution to a working world in which companies, entrepreneurs and employees jointly realize a successful and happy working life - for the benefit of each individual and society."

Which basic income is the right one?

The deep satisfaction that comes from being able to contribute to the common good and the associated positive effects on the development of potential, quality of life, happiness and health make us clearly prefer the Active Basic Income.

Secure video meetings in the Gradido circles

At Gradido, we attach great importance to the protection of your data. From now on, you can hold secure GDPR-compliant video conferences within the Gradido circles on Fairkom's German or Austrian servers without anyone else listening in.

Study circle: Gradido ambassador N.E.U.

How can you live your wishes and dreams now while you work with us towards the big goal? We have been researching this for years. The solution is basically simple:

Self-organization in organizations of the new era

The age of hierarchical organizations is over. People in the "new age" have a strong desire to meet each other at eye level, to organize themselves and to do so without hierarchies wherever possible.

Discover the new Gradido circles

Have you seen it yet? Since the end of May we have our new community platform, which we call Gradido Circles. Now you can communicate with other Gradido participants in safe spaces (called "Spaces") and get more and more in touch.

Cooperation with Society 4.0

The 'great cooperation' continues to develop. Christiane Lüpken, who is committed to Society 4.0 and suitable non-hierarchical forms of self-organization in Germany, is an active member of our Vision Circle, whose task is to foster cooperation with like- or similarly-minded organizations, projects and initiatives.

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